TnJS API V1 - Module Customization


Shows the ATOS 3DINFO template with current light customization
Supported HTTP methods: GET
download - (Optional) When set to true, this triggers a download of the file instead of displaying its content.
filename - (Optional) Defines the filename template. When unset, the instition code and the current page are used.


Shows the ATOS ACCEPTED template with current light customization
Supported HTTP methods: GET
download - (Optional) When set to true, this triggers a download of the file instead of displaying its content.
filename - (Optional) Defines the filename template. When unset, the instition code and the current page are used.


Shows the ATOS CAPTURE template with current light customization
Supported HTTP methods: GET
download - (Optional) When set to true, this triggers a download of the file instead of displaying its content.
filename - (Optional) Defines the filename template. When unset, the instition code and the current page are used.


Shows the style for the ePC page for ATOS, with current light customization
Supported HTTP methods: GET
download - (Optional) When set to true, this triggers a download of the file instead of displaying its content.
filename - (Optional) Defines the filename template. When unset, the instition code and the current page are used.


Shows the ATOS REFUSED template with current light customization
Supported HTTP methods: GET
download - (Optional) When set to true, this triggers a download of the file instead of displaying its content.
filename - (Optional) Defines the filename template. When unset, the instition code and the current page are used.


Shows the OGONE template with current light customization
Supported HTTP methods: GET
download - (Optional) When set to true, this triggers a download of the file instead of displaying its content.
filename - (Optional) Defines the filename template. When unset, the instition code and the current page are used.


Peakprotect light customization style
Supported HTTP methods: GET
download - (Optional) When set to true, this triggers a download of the file instead of displaying its content.
filename - (Optional) Defines the filename template. When unset, the instition code and the current page are used.


Peakprotect light customization export structure
Supported HTTP methods: GET


Peakprotect light customization favicon
Supported HTTP methods: GET


Peakprotect light customization resource handler
Supported HTTP methods: GET


Show the peakprotect simulation with current style inherited from light customization
Supported HTTP methods: GET