TnJS API V1 - Module Mobile


Returns the TnMC mobile application configuration. If the user is already connected, it will adapt some values (like showing user advantages or subscriptions links). Login related URLs are used only at deployement.
Supported HTTP methods: GET
lang - (Optional) Language code taken into account to replace {lang} placeholders in URLs.


Returns the user full name. Called by mobile apps to refresh menu / welcome screen user name.
Supported HTTP methods: GET


Is able to check the given B2C or B2B/B2B2C credentials and return the remember me cookie value + the user complete name.
Supported HTTP methods: POST


Returns a mobile ticket as PDF file. Uses the exsiting TnJS code.
Supported HTTP methods: GET
ticketId - Ticket ID to be downloaded
firstName - (Optional) Beneficiary firstname
lastName - (Optional) Beneficiary lastname
support - (Optional) Ticket support


Returns a complete HTML, CSS and JS code containing user tickets formated for TnMC mobile applications.
Supported HTTP methods: GET