TnJS API V1 - Module Redirect


Redirect to the account home page
Supported HTTP methods: GET
lang - (Optional) Forces the page to a specific language. This language has to be enabled in the point of sales configuration in order to work.


Redirect to account activation page
Supported HTTP methods: GET
contactNumber - Contact number
token - Activation token
lang - (Optional) Forces the page to a specific language. This language has to be enabled in the point of sales configuration in order to work.


Redirect to the profile edition page
Supported HTTP methods: GET
lang - (Optional) Forces the page to a specific language. This language has to be enabled in the point of sales configuration in order to work.


Redirects to the file details page.
Supported HTTP methods: GET
fileId - The id of the file


Redirect to the register page
Supported HTTP methods: GET
lang - (Optional) Forces the page to a specific language. This language has to be enabled in the point of sales configuration in order to work.
returnPath - (Optional) Path to be redirected to after account creation.


Redirect to the social login link page
Supported HTTP methods: GET
lang - (Optional) Forces the page to a specific language. This language has to be enabled in the point of sales configuration in order to work.
returnPath - (Optional) Path to be redirected to after account linking.
cancelPath - (Optional) Path to be redirected to on cancel.


Deprecated: Use /api/1/redirect/hospitality instead
Redirect to the product page or home page with user setted
Supported HTTP methods: GET


Redirect to the shopping cart page
Supported HTTP methods: GET
orderId - (Optional) The id of the order that has to be shown in the shopping cart. When empty, the shopping cart content linked to the users' ongoing session is displayed.
orderToken - (Optional) Secret token, that allows to resume the order content of the requested order (only used when an explicit orderId is requested).
lang - (Optional) Optional: language of landing page
advantageId - (Optional) Optional: advantage used for related one time codes (see next parameters)
oneTimeCodes - (Optional) Comma separated list of codes to be applied during order closing.


Redirect to the checkout page
Supported HTTP methods: GET
orderId - (Optional) The id of the order that has to be shown in the shopping cart. When empty, the shopping cart content linked to the users' ongoing session is displayed.
orderToken - (Optional) Secret token, that allows to resume the order content of the requested order (only used when an explicit orderId is requested).
lang - (Optional) Optional: language of landing page
advantageId - (Optional) Optional: advantage used for related one time codes (see next parameters)
oneTimeCodes - (Optional) Comma separated list of codes to be applied during order closing.


Redirects to the page that allows to enter multiple unique usage codes (fastline)
Supported HTTP methods: GET
lang - (Optional) Forces the page to a specific language. This language has to be enabled in the point of sales configuration in order to work.


Redirects to the page of the hospitality product with the provided id, either to purchase, reserve or generate an option on the product, as specified by the orderType parameter.
Supported HTTP methods: GET
id - Product id of the hospitality product (package id for bundles).
orderType - (Optional) Type of order: SALE/OPTION/RESERVATION.
lines - (Optional) The item selected for purchase for specific bundle lines: lineId1-itemId1,lineId2-itemId2 etc.
contactNumber - (Optional) The purchaser of the hospitality.
opportunityId - (Optional) The opportunity ID coming from CRM.
lang - (Optional) Forces the page to a specific language. This language has to be enabled in the point of sales configuration in order to work.


Redirects to the shop hot deals page. Warning: upsell must be promoted (POS configuration) to correctly display this page.
Supported HTTP methods: GET
banner - (Optional) This has an effect only on co-branded pages. To display the big co-branding banner on the header of the page, set it to 1 or true. Otherwise the small co-branding banner is displayed on the right column of the page.
lang - (Optional) Forces the page to a specific language. This language has to be enabled in the point of sales configuration in order to work.


Redirect to the login page if required, then to the return path
Supported HTTP methods: GET
lang - (Optional) Forces the page to a specific language. This language has to be enabled in the point of sales configuration in order to work.
returnPath - Url to be redirected to


Redirect to option request page with corresponding product id.
Supported HTTP methods: GET
id - Product id (standalone, not inside a package!)
banner - (Optional) This has an effect only on co-branded pages. To display the big co-branding banner on the header of the page, set it to 1 or true. Otherwise the small co-branding banner is displayed on the right column of the page.
lang - (Optional) Forces the page to a specific language. This language has to be enabled in the point of sales configuration in order to work.


Redirect to the partner advantage product list corresponding to the provided access code
Supported HTTP methods: GET
code - Partner advantage code
banner - (Optional) This has an effect only on co-branded pages. To display the big co-branding banner on the header of the page, set it to 1 or true. Otherwise the small co-branding banner is displayed on the right column of the page.
lang - (Optional) Forces the page to a specific language. This language has to be enabled in the point of sales configuration in order to work.


Redirects to the product selection page corresponding to the given product id or code. Both parameters are optional, but at least one of them must be defined (id has priority on code). Warning: when using 'code' parameter and having multiple results, all corresponding products are displayed in the search result page.
Supported HTTP methods: GET
id - (Optional) Product id (standalone, not inside a package!)
code - (Optional) The product code (standalone, not inside a package!)
banner - (Optional) This has an effect only on co-branded pages. To display the big co-branding banner on the header of the page, set it to 1 or true. Otherwise the small co-branding banner is displayed on the right column of the page.
lang - (Optional) Forces the page to a specific language. This language has to be enabled in the point of sales configuration in order to work.
orderType - (Optional) Type of order: SALE/OPTION/RESERVATION.


Redirects to a dated product (event, visit, parking, timeslot pass, visit pass) selection page for the selected date.
Supported HTTP methods: GET
productId - Product id (standalone, not inside a package!)
date - The selected date. Format is DD.MM.YYYY
banner - (Optional) This has an effect only on co-branded pages. To display the big co-branding banner on the header of the page, set it to 1 or true. Otherwise the small co-branding banner is displayed on the right column of the page.
orderType - (Optional) Type of order: SALE/OPTION/RESERVATION.
lang - (Optional) Forces the page to a specific language. This language has to be enabled in the point of sales configuration in order to work.


Redirects to the seat selection page corresponding to the performance.
Supported HTTP methods: GET
id - Performance id (standalone, not inside a package!)
banner - (Optional) This has an effect only on co-branded pages. To display the big co-branding banner on the header of the page, set it to 1 or true. Otherwise the small co-branding banner is displayed on the right column of the page.
orderType - (Optional) Type of order: SALE/OPTION/RESERVATION.
lang - (Optional) Forces the page to a specific language. This language has to be enabled in the point of sales configuration in order to work.


Redirects to a specific timeslot selection page.
Supported HTTP methods: GET
productId - Product id (standalone, not inside a package!)
timeslotId - The id of the selected timeslot.
banner - (Optional) This has an effect only on co-branded pages. To display the big co-branding banner on the header of the page, set it to 1 or true. Otherwise the small co-branding banner is displayed on the right column of the page.
orderType - (Optional) Type of order: SALE/OPTION/RESERVATION.
lang - (Optional) Forces the page to a specific language. This language has to be enabled in the point of sales configuration in order to work.


Redirects to the visit selection page with corresponding date, rate type and language already selected.
Supported HTTP methods: GET
productId - Product id (standalone, not inside a package!)
date - (Optional) The visit date. Format is DD.MM.YYYY
language - (Optional) The visit language
rateTypeId - (Optional) The visit rate type id
banner - (Optional) This has an effect only on co-branded pages. To display the big co-branding banner on the header of the page, set it to 1 or true. Otherwise the small co-branding banner is displayed on the right column of the page.
orderType - (Optional) Type of order: SALE/OPTION/RESERVATION.
lang - (Optional) Forces the page to a specific language. This language has to be enabled in the point of sales configuration in order to work.


Deprecated: Use /api/1/redirect/search/simple-products instead
Redirects to the product search page using the provided string or code as search parameter. Both parameters are optional, but at least one of them must be defined (q has priority on code). Warning: this method searches only for simple products: packages and season tickets won't be displayed.
Supported HTTP methods: GET
q - (Optional) The text to search for
code - (Optional) The code to search for
banner - (Optional) This has an effect only on co-branded pages. To display the big co-branding banner on the header of the page, set it to 1 or true. Otherwise the small co-branding banner is displayed on the right column of the page.
lang - (Optional) Forces the page to a specific language. This language has to be enabled in the point of sales configuration in order to work.


Redirects to the product search page using the provided string or code as search parameter. Both parameters are optional, but at least one of them must be defined (q has priority on code). Warning: this method searches only for simple products: packages and season tickets won't be displayed.
Supported HTTP methods: GET
q - (Optional) The text to search for
code - (Optional) The code to search for
banner - (Optional) This has an effect only on co-branded pages. To display the big co-branding banner on the header of the page, set it to 1 or true. Otherwise the small co-branding banner is displayed on the right column of the page.
lang - (Optional) Forces the page to a specific language. This language has to be enabled in the point of sales configuration in order to work.


Deprecated: Use /api/1/sso/saml/login instead
Redirect to the login controller for SingleSignOn
Supported HTTP methods: POST
SAMLRequest - (Optional) The SAML Request for login
RelayState - (Optional) Application state, will be returned to the service calling for login.
embedded - (Optional) If specified, use username and password to login.
provider - (Optional)
username - (Optional) User name
password - (Optional) User password


Deprecated: Use /api/1/sso/saml/logout instead
Redirect to the logout controller for SingleSignOn
Supported HTTP methods: GET
count - (Optional) Step in the logout loop


Redirects to the product search page using the provided sub-topic code as search parameter.
Supported HTTP methods: GET
code - The sub-topic code to search for
banner - (Optional) This has an effect only on co-branded pages. To display the big co-branding banner on the header of the page, set it to 1 or true. Otherwise the small co-branding banner is displayed on the right column of the page.
lang - (Optional) Forces the page to a specific language. This language has to be enabled in the point of sales configuration in order to work.


Redirects to the supervisor login page
Supported HTTP methods: GET
contactNumber - The customer contact number


Redirects to newsletter unsubscription page
Supported HTTP methods: GET
id - The hash identifier